Reading Rush

sourcedate 2024-06-27 / browse数 69

Reading Rush is an arcade puzzle game for Android and smartphone free devices. Unique gameplay and a lot of fun An incredibly exciting arcade game with puzzle elements that will help brighten up your drab everyday life and get a lot of bright emotions from simple but extremely entertaining gameplay! In Reading Rush, you'll meet a group of fun characters who fight through challenging puzzles reminiscent of Tetris and match-3 games. To win this game you need to form words from the blocks of letters that appear on the playing field; the faster you complete the task, the more points you get. Atmospheric and stylish Test your intelligence by solving exciting and challenging puzzles, break records and get a mountain of positive emotions! Fight with the most powerful characters 1 on 1 and prove your mental superiority, win, receive valuable bonuses and unlock access to new, more powerful heroes. Reading Rush has stylish PixelArt graphics, addictive gameplay and a simple interface, as well as a large number of levels and a game atmosphere, like in the best retro games of its time.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 26.98 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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